-= Matchreport: ETFCL vs 187 (11/26/01) (tfc)=-
Well, our second ETFCL-War and it was really nice :)
After some time 187 agreed to play on the ERA server (thx ERA ;) and so we started soon with the pm.
The pings were on both sites quite good and nobody started to yell 8)
We began the first half with 24t and 187 pushed really hard in the first 10 minutes but our defense stood strong. I think our offense saw this and tried to do like 187´s :)
Result on 2fort: 50:10

Next half was openfire_l
Our offense was running like hell (uhm :) and got a lot of flags out of the enemy fr.
Our defense only lost 3 flags but again 187´s offense was realy good.

GG 187 realy nice game :)
and thx GoEs also to ERA for the excellent server
After some time 187 agreed to play on the ERA server (thx ERA ;) and so we started soon with the pm.
The pings were on both sites quite good and nobody started to yell 8)
We began the first half with 24t and 187 pushed really hard in the first 10 minutes but our defense stood strong. I think our offense saw this and tried to do like 187´s :)
Result on 2fort: 50:10

Next half was openfire_l
Our offense was running like hell (uhm :) and got a lot of flags out of the enemy fr.
Our defense only lost 3 flags but again 187´s offense was realy good.

GG 187 realy nice game :)
and thx GoEs also to ERA for the excellent server
Psyco @