-= Matchreport: BWTFCL vs Digital Warfare (01/18/01) (tfc)=-

shutdown2:  0:20
crossover2:  30:80
Well, I actually don't really know what to write since I still cannot recognize what went wrong. :)

Well, sd2 started out quite well, neither Clan could touch the flag till we did after about 10mins. Then DW changed something in their setup and suddenly hell broke loose. :| Constant pressure and killed SGs till a very skillful sg-kill also took out the engie and one of the medics took our fr-soli out. End of story, 10:0 DW. Second cap I don't know how it happened, it just did. :| We could touch a couple more times but to no avail, 0:20 to DW.

crossover2 kinda the same procedure. This time we even capped first and our tactics seemed to work well (even though we only played this map once and that was like 9 months ago. However then happened what I'll quote from DW's page:
then 1/2 the D decided to go attack
For some reason, DW managed to still keep their defense up and we saw our lead getting crushed, us in its path. Plus, I personally made a tactical decision that lead to this high a loss, if I hadn't made it, it would have been closer.

Anyways besides the server troubles it was most of the way a fair game except that it is a bit strange to say thanks to the opponent when they idle and then not do likewise.
Hellkeeper @ 01/19/01
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